Friday 27 March 2015



wreckage of Germanwings Flight 9525 in the French Alps
Debris Of Flight 4U 9525
Update (3/25/2015, 8:48 p.m. ET): An initial analysis of the cockpit voice recorder suggests one of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit at the time Flight 9525 began its final descent, and failed to get back in even after smashing the door. This revelation will almost certainly change the scope of the investigation, barring any indication it wasn't a deliberate act. (For instance, if the other pilot in the cockpit had a medical emergency.) If investigators suspect the act was deliberate, however, it's almost certain we can expect further changes to cockpit security measures.
Yesterday morning, a German-operated Airbus A320, which was flying between Barcelona and Düsseldorf, crashed into the French Alps. All 150 passengers on board--including two pilots, four flight attendants, a group of German students, a pair of noted opera singers, and individuals from 18 different countries--lost their lives.
Right now we know Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 was cruising at 38,000 feet when it began an unexpected descent that, 8 minutes later, ended when it slammed into the mountainside 6,800 feet up. That’s an average descent of approximately 4,000 feet per minute, which is notable because it isn’t frantic or uncontrolled; aircraft routinely descend at 3,000 to 4,000 feet per minute. (During emergencies, a rate of 7,000 to 8,000 feet per minute or faster isn’t unusual.)
What’s mysterious is the lack of a distress call. The pilot’s emergency mantra--“aviate, navigate, communicate”--might explain this, since it programs aviators to fly the airplane first; then find a place to land it; and, finally, reach for the radio. On the other hand, it might not.
The French civil aviation authority (the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile, or BEA) and Germany’s Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation is currently searching for answers. So far, they've recovered a flight data recorder from the crash site and are poring over the device's pilot audio.
While the world awaits more information, we called up a 40-year veteran of National Transportation Safety Board accident investigations and Federal Aviation Administration regulation development. Our source asked to remain anonymous, since he's not involved in the investigation, yet proposed the five following scenarios as possible causes, based on information currently available to the public.

1) A Maintenance Problem

The fated Airbus A320 received maintenance the day before the flight. Our expert says that draws immediate scrutiny, particularly if something were repaired, replaced, or deferred (i.e. for later repair).
Germanwings’ low-cost airline status is unlikely to be a factor in maintenance or safety questions, though. Budget airlines adhere to the same safety standards as premium carriers--including, in this case, parent company Lufthansa--and instead reduce costs through other means. They'll cut meals and squeeze in more seats, fly through cheaper secondary airports, reduce call center staff (thanks to online-only booking strategies), and standardize aircraft fleets to limit training costs. Regulators do tend to increase surveillance of maintenance and training patterns among airlines with financial issues, but this makes cost-cutting even less likely of a cause.
Additionally, outsourced maintenance has been a contentious issue among even premium airlines. But Germanwings aircraft receive routine maintenance from Lufthansa-Technik, which has a stellar reputation for maintenance quality. Lufthansa’s fleet has flown the now-crashed aircraft since 1991, so its maintenance records should be readily available to investigators.
A maintenance problem could be relatively straightforward fix, in terms of safeguarding other airplanes. If the age of the aircraft somehow contributed--especially given the caliber of Lufthansa’s oversight--this could prompt maintenance changes to similar aircraft in fleets around the world.

2) Structural Failure

Our source also zeroed in on the flight’s short duration at a cruising altitude. This reminded him of catastrophic, pressure-related structural failures at high altitudes, including the 1988 Aloha Airlines Flight 243 accident near Maui, Hawaii. In that case, a section of roof tore off the fuselage immediately after reaching cruising altitude of 24,000 feet. The incident killed a flight attendant and injured dozens of passengers, but, remarkably, the pilots safely landed the jet.
Of note in that case: The crew's oxygen system was damaged and inoperable, but they were at a relatively low altitude, so they remained conscious. If something similar happened to Flight 9525, and their oxygen system was also rendered inoperable, the crew wouldn’t have had such n advantage--they were cruising at an oxygen-starved altitude of 38,000 feet at the time of descent. A major electrical failure associated with a structural failure could have silenced their radios.
Because the aircraft crashed on land and not at sea, and all the pieces are likely present (or not), it should be easier to detect structural problems--though it still won’t be easy. “The high-speed impact certainly has introduced additional complexity in the investigation,” our source says. “While it adds many more individual pieces to the puzzle, the absence of any significant post-crash fire means that those pieces likely will reflect damage that occurred before or during that impact.”

3) Pressurization Failure

Structural failure can cause rapid decompression, as we covered above, but a more gradual onset of pressure loss might go undetected until it’s too late.
This has happened in several cases in mostly smaller aircraft, including golfer Payne Stewart’s 1999 crash. If this somehow incapacitated the pilots, in spite of alerts and oxygen masks, the aircraft would have continued on autopilot until it ran out of fuel. If the autopilot was deactivated, perhaps by a crew member attempting to bring the airplane lower before losing consciousness, then it could have descended gradually but without any ability to alter its general flight path.
Should that prove to be the case, we might see faster development and implementation of airliner-ready “automatic emergency descent systems” (AEDS), which could detect pressure loss and automatically route the airplane to lower altitude, giving crew time to recover. Future airplanes might even be able to land themselves at a nearby airport. Right now, the AEDS technology is available on a few newer corporate jets not present on any commercial aircraft. (Although Airbus is considering it for their new A350.) Such a system is available for private pilots, however, in the shape of an iPad app called Xavion; the app uses the device’s hardware to monitor flight conditions andtake corrective measures through the airplane’s autopilot.

4) Fire

A fire can quickly overcome crew members, whether it originates in the airplane’s electrical system or, say, cargo or luggage in the hold. Such a scenario brought down ValuJet Flight 592 in May 1996. In that incident, improperly stored oxygen canisters ignited and flames spread quickly.
Something in the cargo compartment of Flight 9525 might have ignited and caused a fast-moving fire that disabled electrical systems, including communication systems, and incapacitated the crew. “If they had an onboard fire, one of the first acts is to isolate the fire and shut down any systems that can contribute to it,” says our source (who is, of course, also a pilot). “If that happened and they found themselves enveloped with smoke on the flight deck, they would have needed a specialized mask for seeing their instruments through the smoke. Not being able to see could have resulted in the airplane flying into the ground even though terrain alarms were going off.” (It’s not known at this point if the aircraft had such masks on board.)
Along these lines, recent debate has raged over putting lithium batteries in checked luggage. They can be volatile if improperly stored, and an FAA test conducted last year resulted in two explosive fires in two laboratory simulations. If a fire is indicated, it will likely result in new transport regulations and possibly more prohibitions against certain types of cargo on commercial flights.

5) Malicious Intent

However unlikely, the airplane could have been intentionally brought down, and investigators will obviously keep that possibility in mind. Experts will pore over the passengers and anyone who potentially had access to the airplane, our source noted, including how thoroughly the passenger security screening was that day, whether someone could have planted a device or done something during maintenance, if anyone could have breached the cockpit, and how secure the aircraft was while at Barcelona.
If previous crashes have proven anything, it’s that there’s always risk--however small--and often a surprising variety of factors can lead to disaster. And even though the BEA has its hands on a flight data recorder, it will take a long time to get to the heart of the matter. The overarching cause or causes may come shortly--that is, the physical chain of events that brought down Flight 9525--but learning how and why those failures happened will test the investigation team. In the end, after whatever brought down this aircraft is discovered, aviation will be even safer for it.



Amanda Stowers Demonstrates Flapping Wing Robot
Amanda Stowers Demonstrates Flapping Wing Robot
Linda Cicero, Stanford University
Airplane wings are rigid structures. They're great for wide open skies, but one bad collision with a wall or a tree branch and suddenly the flying machine has trouble staying airborne. Helicopter rotors also fare poorly when colliding with structures. But a new bio-inspired wing gives bat-like flexibility to mechanical wings, so they can bounce back after a collision.
Published in the journal Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, the research by Amanda Stowers and David Lentink of Stanford University offers a mechanical solution to a technical problem: How can a drone fly close to branches safely? Sensor systems to avoid obstacles require slow flight. What if, instead of trying to avoid a branch, the drone could just brush against it, fold its wing out of the way, and then unfold the wing back to normal, like a bird?
The researchers built a miniature robot with a wing span of almost 16 inches, and then filmed it flapping at both high and low speeds. During these trials, they would take a steel rod and move it either slowly or quickly at the wing. In tests, the wing bent back during the impact, but stretched back out to its full length within a few seconds.
The wings are hinged, so that they can bend when colliding with an unyielding object. Then they rebound, passively returning to their normal outstretched shape with the next flap of the drone's wings. Other foldable wings requirespecific motors to scrunch up or spring back out, but with passive folding, the flying robot doesn’t have to use a motor, power, or specific controls.
When working on small drones, anything that saves space--for instance, by cutting out the need for sensors and motors--is a boon. Funding for the study was provided by the Office of Naval Research, and it’s easy to see why the Navy, which is basically built of confined spaces, would want a folding-wing robot.
Research like this could one day lead to future rescue robots that can fly indoors, reaching trapped people hopefully without resorting to cyborg beetles.
Underside Of A Bat Wing



ZANO Drone Next To An iPhone 5
ZANO Drone Next To An iPhone 5
Torquing Group Ltd
The Zano flying camera is a great tool for snapping pictures of yourself—and it’s far more sophisticated than a selfie stick. The $300 quadcopter uses a suite of instruments to dodge obstacles while autonomously tracking its subjects, whether they’re walking through an office, biking down mountain trails, or even diving off cliffs. Lead engineer Ivan Reedman of Torquing Group advises against underestimating Zano’s abilities: “It’s not just a selfie drone.”

How It Works

1. Remote Control
Zano connects to a user’s smartphone via Wi-Fi. Users can pilot the drone using a virtual joystick on their smartphone screen; they can adjust its altitude via a simple slide bar; and they can instruct the camera to stay fixed or rotate to capture different views.
2. Tracking Outdoors
In follow mode, a user sets the drone to trail the phone at a fixed distance. Outdoors, Zano establishes and sustains its position relative to the phone using GPS, gyroscopes, accelerometers, sonar, and a barometric pressure sensor that helps it estimate altitude. “Even if you’re moving, Zano will maintain its focus on you,” says Reedman.
3. Obstacle Avoidance
Infrared sensors prevent Zano from crashing into obstacles, but Reedman and his team also designed the drones so they won’t run into one another. Every Zano has a unique identification number, along with a small low-frequency radio. If one approaches within 150 feet of another, they will recognize each other via radio and adjust their flight paths accordingly.
4. Invisible Tether
To maintain its Wi-Fi connection and comply with aviation regulations, the drone never drifts outside a predetermined maximum distance from the user’s smartphone. “If it gets out of range, it will either land or go to where you were last,” Reedman says.
5. Indoor Autonomy
Inside, GPS is unreliable, and a slammed door is enough to throw off the barometric sensor, so Zano relies on other techniques. A sonar constantly pings the floor, gauging the drone’s height, and five infrared transceivers bounce signals off the walls and ceiling. The device’s micro-controller parses this data a thousand times per second to determine whether Zano is in the right position—or heading for a wall.
This article was originally published in the April 2015 issue of Popular Science,as part of our annual How It Works package.


ARM Illustration
Just going to take this, if no one's using it...
NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission, the space agency’s initiative to capture a small piece of an asteroid and then bring it into lunar orbit, is moving on to Phase A. That means the project is going beyond the concept phase now, and engineers will get to work designing and making the hardware to turn the mission into reality.
At a press teleconference today, NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot detailed the expected timeline for ARM as well as how NASA plans to wrangle this asteroid boulder. The intended plan is a lengthy one: A robotically controlled spacecraft will launch in 2020 and spend a couple of years traveling to a pre-approved asteroid target. So far, NASA has three asteroid candidates in mind—frontrunner 2008 EV5, followed by asteroids Itokawa and Bennu. Lightfoot says they won’t announce the lucky winner until 2019.
Once the spacecraft reaches the intended asteroid, it will spend up to 400 days at the space rock, analyzing its surface and choosing the best boulder for plucking. The size of the boulder will depend on how big the asteroid target is, but NASA is hoping to get one that's up to 13 feet wide. Then, it will deploy a robotic arm (ARM’s arm, if you will) and grab the boulder for a return trip back home. According to Lightfoot, the ARM spacecraft should be back near Earth with its asteroid loot a few years later.
ARM's Got A Boulder
But the mission doesn’t end there; next comes the human exploration phase. After the vehicle makes it back to near-Earth space, it will move the boulder into a stable orbit around the Moon. That positioning will make it easy for NASA astronauts to rendezvous with the boulder around 2025. The plan is to launch a two-person crew aboard the soon-to-be-built Space Launch System, which will then dock with the spacecraft-boulder combo. There, the crew will spend up to three-and-a-half weeks analyzing the rock, though Lightfoot didn't specify the exact components of the mission.
During the initial unmanned portion of the trip, NASA will test out “planetary defense techniques” to see if ARM technology can help alleviate the threat of an asteroid impact on Earth. While ARM is still near its target asteroid, the space agency will try to use the gravity of the spacecraft and its captured boulder to alter the path of the asteroid. If ARM can alter the asteroid’s trajectory even just a slight amount, that could fundamentally alter where the space rock is headed months and years later. Such a technique could potentially be used to steer life-destroying asteroids away from our precious planet.
But overall, Lightfoot admits that the main priority of ARM isn’t to learn more about asteroid science. He maintains the mission is ultimately a stepping-stone on the way to Mars. “The priority from our perspective is the capability demonstration mission,” Lightfoot said. “We’re really trying to demonstrate the capabilities we’re going to need to take humans further into space and onto Mars.”
Those capabilities include a new propulsion technique called advanced Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP), which uses solar arrays to convert sunlight into electric power; that's what will ultimately propel the spacecraft forward. NASA hopes to eventually use SEP, which uses a lot less propellant than current propulsion techniques, to send cargo to Mars or to set up cargo way stations on route to the red planet.
Ultimately, NASA estimates that ARM will cost up to $1.25 billion (not including the crewed launch vehicle), a hefty sum for a mission that's mostly about demonstrating capabilities. Plus, the initiative isn't exactly popular among members of the scientific community, but perhaps attitudes will change now that ARM is moving forward.



Britain’s first driverless car doesn’t look like a car at all. The electric-powered LUTZ Pathfinder launched Wednesday, wandering the sidewalks of London’s Greenwich neighborhood, and it’s closer in appearance to a runaway cockpit of a small airplane.
Transport Systems Catapult designed the two-seater vehicle to help people with shorter commutes. It has 19 sensors, including touch-sensitive strips, lasers, radar, and panoramic cameras. Inside, there are two screens: one informs the rider about the car’s journey, and the other is for entertainment. Behind the seats is the power system, which has about the same strength as two high-end gaming computers.
These specs are all standard in today’s race of driverless cars, but there’s one component that’s clearly behind its competition. The LUTZ Pathfinder can only go up to about 15 miles per hour, and it runs for about eight hours before it needs recharging. But don’t laugh. For a car that’s meant to stay on sidewalks, its speed limit makes sense. Plus, the company plans on releasing a smart-phone app similar to Uber, which would allow users to hail one of these pods.
But if British Business secretary Vince Cable wants to achieve his goal of becoming a leader in this industry, the government knows it’s going to have to do better.
And the company's predecessors have set a high bar to beat. Google’s automated cars have been traversing the bridges and highways of California and Nevada since 2010. That same year, the National University of Defense Technology in China released the Hongqi HQ3, which drove 175 miles on an expressway. Apple and Tesla are also rumored to be throwing their hat in the ring together. And speaking of Uber, its CEO Travis Kalanick said the company may transition to driverless cars (though that's decades away).
Although far from a driverless hot rod, the LUTZ Pathfinder will soon have more powerful siblings. To face its competitors, the British government released an almost $29 million strategy to launch four other autonomous car projects in various locations.



(Photo credit: EDAG)
German engineering firm EDAG took inspiration from the leaf of a plant for its 3D-printed Light Cocoon concept car, which debuts at the Geneva Motor Show, open to the public through March 15.
Rather than printing the entire body shell of the vehicle out of a rigid composite material, as startup Local Motors is doing with its 3D-printed cars, EDAG instead created a lightweight metal structure optimized to use material only where absolutely necessary.
This 3D-printed skeleton is so strong that it doesn't require traditional sheet metal panels for strength. Instead, a much lighter, high-tech waterproof fabric from German outdoor apparel company Jack Wolfskin envelopes the rigid structure. This triple-layer polyester jersey fabric, called Texapore Softshell O2+, is stretchy and allows light from LEDs underneath to pass through, creating a cool visual effect.
EDAG says the Light Cocoon’s novel construction is much lighter than conventional steel or aluminum body panels, but it did not say by how much.
(Photo credit: EDAG)
The company first came up with the spiderweb-like construction method of the Light Cocoon concept car when engineering an aluminum hood for a production vehicle (it didn’t say for which automaker), whereby a network of hollow tubes under the sheet metal provided support and rigidity. This construction method met all necessary stiffness and crash requirements, yet was 25 percent lighter than a conventional car hood, EDAG says.
Though a vehicle based on the Light Cocoon is not likely to see production, EDAG did say that it will continue to refine its 3D printing methods. The company plans to show several car hoods made out of various materials using different additive manufacturing methods at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September.
"With the futuristic concept of our EDAG Light Cocoon, we hope to stimulate the discussion about the future of lightweight construction and automobile production,” said EDAG CEO Jörg Ohlsen, in a statement announcing the concept car.
The Geneva Motor Show opened to the public March 5 following two press preview days. It runs through March 15.